5 tips to making studying interesting(copy from Quickieconomics)

Was there ever a point in time when you dread studying so much? Or do your kids come up to you complaining how boring studying is and they see no purpose in it? Now, I guess that’s one of the biggest headaches any parent can get. So, how can we tackle this situation effectively, how can we prove and convince the younger generation or even your mates that studying can actually be fun? Here’s another 5 tips, to making studying fun and easy!
And no, I’m not a nerd.

Tip 1 – Be motivated. It’s all in your head, our mindset must always be positive when we want to achieve something. How many of you are actually aware that you are studying for a purpose? Too often, when we are made to do something, we lose sight of the end state and the things we want to achieve in life. How many of you dream about driving a sports car, with a Victoria’s Secret model in it, living in a mansion on a cliff like Tony Stark? (Sorry I don’t really know what the ladies want.) Now, how many of you actually believe that you can one day achieve your dream? For those of you that think you can and will achieve it one day, you can stop reading here. Now, for those of you who think otherwise, it means you’re not motivated yet. Yes! Studying is a waste of time and I totally agree with you, but only when you don’t know what you’re studying for.

Tip 2 – Set goals. Setting goals is debatable to be tip 1, but the reason I place it second is because when you yourself are not even motivated to do anything, what are goals? Some of you might have heard of the SMART or SMARTER goal, use that. If you are unfamiliar with it, here’s something simplified and I like to do it in 3 phases namely short-term, mid-term and long-term. Now pay attention to this, list down all the subjects that you’ll be taking for the final paper in a column. Next, write down the results you desire to get on a column next to the individual subjects, make it realistic and if you’ve failed in the subject, write at least 44 for your desired score. Add 10 to all your scores and this will be your final column. I will give more emphasis on my subsequent article to successful goal setting.

Tip 3 – Form a study group. This is one of the most important ways to make studying interesting. Do you agree that working alone can be a real bore at times and you don’t know who to look for when you have questions you need answers to right away? Be proactive and form a studying group! The key is in identifying people with the common interest and not free loaders who just want to leech you off your hard work. When you group is studying something together even though it might be a subject that you dread, make sure they can be there to support and motivate you. Now when everyone is in it together, the chances of you giving up will definitely be lesser. Remember, the purpose of forming this study group is to aid in your understanding of the subjects which will help to achieve your study goals!

Tip 4 – Create a conducive environment. Ever wondered why kindergartens and preschools are so colourful and attractive with pictures of cute, lively animals while your studying area has nothing more than a pile of books you hate and a boring hard desk? Well, I’m not asking you to redecorate your study area but here are some pointers you can take note of. Firstly, have proper lighting as we really need to see those tiny words well. Next, make sure there’s proper ventilation, with a constant flow of clean and fresh air, there’s no need to step outside for “fresh air breaks”. Remove all form of distractions like toys for children and any electronic gadgets for an adult, unless it aids in the subject. If none of the above mentioned are possible, head to the library.

Tip 5 – Reward. Finally, after all the hard work you’ve put in to achieve your goals, it’s time to reward yourself and by all means go out and have fun. For your kids, reward them by extending their playing hours, rewards will motivate them to strive for more. However, never be complacent and forget about your study schedule and allow your kids to know that they deserve it because they do well and they are not getting anymore rewards if they get complacent. Always have the drive and urge to want to do well and never be satisfied until you have reached your ultimate goal.

With these 5 simple tips, you are now on your way to make studying a more enjoyable experience, think about how many likeminded friends you’ll be able to make and how much the group can benefit from one another. Think about how you can make changes to your studying location to make it more conducive for yourself or your kids. Think about how much you can achieve in life with a solid education and how much you’ll lose out if you don’t have one. Most importantly, know the purpose of doing it; you are studying for your own future and not for anyone else. With that, I wish you all the best and have fun in studying!


恭喜我 20岁又一个月了 哈

嘻嘻哈哈过了这一天 可是你可以确定我真的快乐吗(?)

你走向前 我看不见 真的遥远

我说24真是个好日子 我看到你上线了 可是我却不能找你聊天 这种感觉很奇怪 你变得好陌生

记得 。 你一定要幸福


11 Best Steve Job’s Quotes:

1. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

2. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

3. Much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.

4. I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.

5. If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.

6. Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

7. No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there.

8. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

9. Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent.

10. The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste. They have absolutely no taste. And I don’t mean that in a small way, I mean that in a big way, in the sense that they don’t think of original ideas, and they don’t bring much culture into their products.

11. The current crop of 7-inch tablets are going to be DOA — dead on arrival.

iPhone 4S


It is 2.38am already, but I still haven’t sleep yet. Keep surfing here and there. Not but I’m insomnia,just because of the Apple conference.

There’s some words, sorry folks, no iPhone 5…yet….

Should I be happy?

Another tired nite

Differences between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S





沒有你 怎麼辦

多想要 和你聊聊天
沒有你 怎麼辦
只想要 你在我身邊 在我身邊


轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網

沒有你 怎麼辦

多想要 和你聊聊天
沒有你 怎麼辦
只想要 你在我身邊 在我身邊

就好像我從來沒難過 過
最難過的不過 就是渡過

沒有你 怎麼辦

多想要 和你聊聊天
沒有你 怎麼辦
只想要 你在我身邊 在我身邊


风自在 云自在 雨自在 你不在
不管它是对你的想念 纪念 还是 思念
不论 我写的是不是爱


都是一种承诺 不一定会实现





想念在嘲笑 我们还在思念

缘份在帮忙 我们还在猜疑

运气在叹气 我们 束手无策


那我收到的 只是关怀

天在看 地在看 我在看

棋子的下一步 会走向哪里

天在找 我在找 你在找


Cheryl Cyl @2011
装着我 对你 满满的思念
虽然感伤 或许心痛 还是满足

What did I done in this holidays?


1. Went to work the very first time for the whole holiday. Although the money I gained is not much, but I fully utilized my time.

2. Finished 带我去月球

3. Bought a Readers’ Digest every month.

4. Bought 那些年,我们一起追的女孩子 although I had been read it already through Internet and after I bought it, new version is published!

5. Went to two autograph sessions by Anthony Neely 倪安东 and Aaron Yan 炎亚纶. Got the autograph by Anthony and shake his hand as well :))

6. Went to Singapore with friends <—first time